Independent Optical Consultant & Lens Provider
Cowboy Consulting applies proven Lean Six Sigma methodology to quickly identify and correct inefficiencies, bottlenecks, waste and profit leakage. Our ROI analysis will help you fine tune your processes and maximize returns.
Our years of experience in the independent optical industry have allowed us to build an extensive network of expert connections. Cowboy Consulting partners with the best in the industry bring you solutions to any challenges faced by your business.
Partnering With The Best
The Brebet Company
The Brebet Company is an independent optical industry consulting firm owned and founded by Bette Manuel-Banquer and Brett Banquer. Bette is an optical industry veteran previously holding leadership positions with Essilor and Shamir. Her decades of optical experience make her a sought-after consultant for private practices as well as optical laboratories. Brett brings out of the industry perspective, leadership and organizational management expertise to the team. Together, Brett and Bette have created a consulting firm, a small batch independent frame line (Mélange), a billing service, and helped create DVG Lenses. Bette also leads a team of independent consultants in various regions of the US including Texas, Florida, Virginia, Indiana, Tennesee, and Arizona.